Monday, May 24, 2010

Results: Workplaces design for collaboration net greater profit margins

91% of our readers believe workplaces designed for collaboration net greater margins. That’s according to the poll in last month’s issue of ReThink Architecture. Read comments on April’s topic below!

A Sample of Reader Comments:

"(I just) moved from a 1970s office building–very stark, bad lighting, claustrophobic–into a new, open, bright workspace, and I simply feel better. If I feel better, I’m able to work better, increasing my company’s profit margin."

"Definitely. We spend a majority of our day in the workplace. If people are comfortable and happy in their environment, it makes them want to come to work, work harder, and excel."

"Absolutely. 100%. If you are comfortable, relaxed, and in a good mindset, then you are more apt to work and think more freely and harder. I think working in a cool space helps you to ‘want’ to be at work."

"Get rid of the cubicle walls, and you’ll have dramatic increases in communication, morale, productivity and profit."

Thanks to our readers for their many comments!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this MulvannyG2! Very relevant information!
