Monday, May 24, 2010

Results: De-branding is the new branding.

Turns out, 75% of you are sick of being branded to. That’s according to the poll in the March launch issue of ReThink Architecture.

A Sample of Reader Comments:

"Although I think brand identity is important, much of retail branding is … obviously phony … It’s over-the-top marketing that quickly becomes unbelievable and ends up hurting ratherthan helping establish a solid company image."

"I can tell when I walk into a store or hotel that’s been branded to a specific age group that isnot me. It makes me feel unwelcome and uncomfortable. I think we need to get back to thebasics of design—proportions, proper use of natural and artificial lighting, quality details andmaterials—something that people of all demographics can recognize and appreciate."

"We loved branding. Now we hate branding. And, yet, we know (de-branding’s) still branding.We are all still born consumers."

Thanks to our readers for their many comments!

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