Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Rethink Architecture: Are Architects Funny?

While architects aren’t known for being funny, MulvannyG2 Principal Patrick Kruger last month landed on CNN, Good Morning America and Today for his sense of humor. Kruger thinks humor—as an aesthetic—isn’t used enough in architecture. Beyond a literal sense of playfulness, great humor entertains—which is key to successful retail and destination design.

Think back: Where have you been that was either playful, or played to your senses so well, that it immediately made you smile?

Click here to read more. 


  1. Architects can be hilarious at times. Unfortunately it is always unintentional and results in major costs.

  2. Hi, Anonymous,

    If you’ve had a difficult experience with someone else, come talk to MulvannyG2. If you’re a client of ours, we’d want to talk with you even more to address why you've developed this perspective.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It is funny (not funny = ha ha, funny = what a coincidence!) to find this topic here and now. Because I am having this discussion with my wife about your firm exactly now.
    See, there is this possibility that we can move to Seattle in a near future. I began the search for a company to apply there and found your website and, truly, become very excited with your work (amazing, really!) and with the light and inspiring environment that you show in your website.
    So I decided to apply for one of your job openings but here I am, stuck on the cover letter: should I play safe and send you a serious and objective letter, formal and conventional, or is possible to show a little of humor and demonstrate that I fit very well with your idea of a creative and fun place to work?
    At the same time, I have been a foreigner in a foreign land for 5 years now (I’m a Brazilian architect living in Denver since 2008) and I have another concern: of course you will laugh at my accent but would you understand my jokes? It has been one of the most interesting experiences to see how, sometimes, it is impossible to translate what you find funny…
    (or perhaps the simply fact that I am here asking these questions is another proof that architects do not know how to cope with humor…)
