Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rethink Architecture: Looking for the Best Project Manager?

What differences have you noticed between how men and women lead projects and teams?
Click here to read more.


  1. This information seemed intuitive but WOW, backing the strengths women bring to the profession is great to read! Who else thinks this ReThink is dead on?

  2. It's good to see women recognized as important leaders alongside men. We do have different traits and complement each other well. And heck yeah, moms are the best multi-taskers! Thank you ladies for the entertaining read supported with facts.

  3. As a product of single-gender education, I completely agree and respect MulvannyG2's stance on empowering women in the workplace to be the most effective leaders they can be by providing them the tools, support, and freedom to do so.

  4. I think one of the most important messages here is the focus of identifying strengths that women provide to the industry that balance the strengths of men. The conversation is not about how women should shift their behavior to the masculine to become leaders, but rather how the feminine sensibility is lacking in the patriarchal structure that exists. And that real change and balance can be achieved through a recognition of the feminine sensibility as a power trait, a contributor to the overall balance; providing a platform to achieve higher goals. I often hear how women should shift their behavior in the business world to become noticed and heard. Perhaps the bigger notion here is to ask men to recognize, and follow suit to the innate differences in our behaviors and contributions. In our social structure women take on perceived masculine qualities and are seen as powerful, men take one perceived feminine qualities and are seen as weak. Let us overcome this connotation.

  5. Every good team has a diverse pool of players. Recognize the individual's strength and letting them shine is more important than creating a certain percentage of male or female representation.

  6. Women think differently (Men Are From Mars, anyone?) and that's a good thing. Diversity of thought ensures we consider viewpoints beyond our own, and that opens up more opportunities and possibilities for everyone involved. Great article, thanks!
