Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Are you going 'Country?'

Have you used simple, down-to-earth but highly effective methods that have made a difference to architecture, design or development? If so, what?

Didn't get a chance to read the full article? Click Here


  1. Going "Country" is: using an abandoned tree stake (there wasn't a shovel to found on site!) to move rocks, topsoil, and mulch from around landscape catch basin. The CB was clogged and had caused a large backup of water directly acrosss from the main entrance. VIP party 2 hours away. Then going into the tire center restroom and clean up muddy shoes, sweat, etc....Oh, did I mention the Client PM was also helping with a broken rake handle he found?

  2. Hello and kudos to you for that diligence and resourcefulness. Love your detail....Tree stakes, broken rakes--whatever it takes! (smile)
